
ラン科ヒナラン属の多年草で、学名は Amitostigma kinoshitae。英名はありません。
"Koani-chidori" (Amitostigma kinoshitae) belongs to Orchidaceae (the Orchid family). It is a perennial herb that is native from northern Kanto-Hokuriku district of Honshu north to Hokkaido in Japan and the southern Kuril Islands. This herb grows in marshes of heavy-snow region or sub-alpine zone and it can reach 10-20 cm in height. The leaves are broad linear, and one or two leaves are arranged on the underpart of stem. The white or pale rose pink flowers bloom atop of stem from June to August. After flowering, it produces bulbils at the tip of cluster.
[上・中1〜2] 福島県檜枝岐村「尾瀬沼」にて、2013年08月25日撮影。 [中3〜4・下] 秋田県上小阿仁町「道の駅かみこあに」にて、2018年07月15日撮影。