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Acer campestre

Acer campestre

Acer campestre

カエデ科カエデ属の落葉高木で、学名は Acer campestre。英名は Field maple。
The Field maple (Acer campestre) belongs to Aceraceae (the Maple family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is native to much of Europe, southwest Asia and North Africa. This tree can reach 15-25 m in height. The barks are finely fissured and often somewhat corky. The leaves are small and divided into 3-5 lobes palmately. The yellow-green flowers bloom in spring as soon as foliatin. The fruits are samaras with almost 180-degree opened wings.
スイス・ベルン州「バレンベルク屋外博物館」にて、2009年06月27日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro