イワウメ科イワウチワ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Shortia uniflora var. kantoensis。英名はありません。
The "Ko-iwauchiwa" (Shortia uniflora var. kantoensis) belongs to the family Diapensiaceae. It is an evergreen herb that is distributed to the Pacific Ocean Side of Honshu in Japan, from Tokyo north to Miyagi prefecture. This herb grows in semi-shade forests and rocky places in the mountainous area. The leaves are small broad round, wider than the lengths, the bases are heart-shaped. The leaf length is 1.8-3.5 cm, width is 2-4 cm, and the veins are conspicuous. The flower stalks are stretched and pale crimson flowers are blooming from April to May. The common name is because the shape of the leaf resembles a fan.