こみやまみず (小深山みず)

Pilea pseudopetiolaris

Pilea pseudopetiolaris

わが国の本州、近畿地方以西から九州に分布しています。山地の湿った日陰に生え、高さは40〜50センチになります。葉は長さ8〜15センチの長楕円形で3脈が目立ち、縁には鋭い鋸歯があります。「みやまみず(Pilea petiolaris)」に似ていますが、葉の先端が長く尾状に伸びるのが特徴です。雌雄同株で、7月から10月ごろ、葉腋に雄花序と雌花序をつけ、淡緑色の目立たない花を咲かせます。痩果はごく小さく、0.5ミリほどです。 
イラクサ科ミズ属の一年草で、学名は Pilea pseudopetiolaris。英名はありません。 
The "Komiyama-mizu" (Pilea pseudopetiolaris) belongs to Urticaceae (the Nettle family). It is an annual herb that is distributed from Kinki region of Honshu westward to Kyushu in Japan. It grows in moist, shady mountainous areas and is 40 to 50 cm tall. The leaves are 8-15 cm long, oblong, with three conspicuous veins and sharp serrations on the edges. The leaves are similar to those of "Miyama-mizu" (Pilea petiolaris), but the tips of the leaves grow long and caudate. It is dioecious, with male and female inflorescences in the leaf axils from July to October, and produces pale green, inconspicuous flowers. The achene is very small, about 0.5 mm. 

Shu Suehiro