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Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii

Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii

Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii

わが国の各地をはじめ、台湾や朝鮮半島、中国、サハリンに分布しています。海岸近くの湿地や河口、水田などに生え、高さは40〜70センチになります。「うきやがら(浮き矢柄)」より全体に小さいです。葉は幅2〜5ミリの線形で、ふつう根元に集まります。7月から10月ごろ、茎の先に1〜6個の小穂を密集してつけます。小穂は長さ8〜15ミリの卵状楕円形です。別名で、「えぞうきやがら(蝦夷浮き矢柄)」とも呼ばれます。中国語では「海濱三稜草(hai bin san leng cao)」です。
カヤツリグサ科ウキヤガラ属の多年草で、学名は Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii (syn. Bolboschoenus maritimus、Scirpus maritimus)。英名は Cosmopolitan bulrush、Alkali bulrush。 
The Cosmopolitan bulrush (Bolboschoenus koshevnikovii) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Japan, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, China and Sakhalin. This herb grows in coastal wetlands and estuaries, paddy fields, and can reach 40-70 cm in height. It is smaller than "Uki-yagara" (Bolboschoenus fluviatilis ssp. yagara). The leaves are linear, 2-5 mm wide and usually gather at the base. The 1-6 spikelets are densely attached to the tip of the stem from July to October. The spikelets are ovate-shaped with a length of 8-15 mm. In Chinese, it is called "海濱三稜草" (hai bin san leng cao).

Shu Suehiro