The "Kujaku-fumoto-shida" (Microlepia x bipinnata) belongs to Dennstaediaceae (the Bracken family). It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from Chiba Prefecture of Honshu westward to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, China, Nepal, India, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea. It grows rather sparsely under forests in mountainous areas and grows 80 to 110 cm tall. It is an interspecific hybrid of the "Fumoto-shida" (Microlepia marginata) and the "Ishi-kaguma" (Microlepia strigosa). The leaves are bipinnate compound, yellow-green to dark-green, and thickly herbaceous without luster. The lowest pinna is the largest. The sorus is attached near the margins of the pinna and the indisum is cup-shaped. It is called "台北鱗蓋蕨" in Taiwanese Chinese "二回邊縁鱗蓋蕨" (er hui bian yuan lin gai jue) in Chinese.