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Dryopteris x tokudae

Dryopteris x tokudae

Dryopteris x tokudae

わが国の本州、中部地方以北、それに四国に分布しています。「おしだ(雄羊歯)」と「みやまくまわらび(深山熊蕨)」との種間交雑種です。山地の林床に希に生え、高さは60〜90センチになります。形質はふつう両親種の中間となり、変異が多いです。葉身の中部羽片は幅3〜4ミリとなり、「おしだ」より狭くなっています。また羽片の側脈に単条のものと 2岐するものが混じります。葉柄基部には、やや光沢のある黒褐色の鱗片が密生します。ソーラスは裂片のやや外寄りにつき、萎縮しています。
オシダ科オシダ属の常緑性シダ類で、学名は Dryopteris x tokudae。英名はありません。
The "Kuma-oshida" (Dryopteris x tokudae) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed in the Chubu region and northwards of Honshu, and Shikoku. It is an interspecific hybrid between "Oshida" (Dryopteris crassirhizoma) and "Miyama-kuma-warabi" (Dryopteris polylepis). It grows rarely in the forest floor of mountains, and is 60-90 cm tall. Its characteristics are usually intermediate between the two parent species, and there is a lot of variation. The middle pinna of the leaf blade is 3-4 mm wide, narrower than the "oshida". The lateral veins of the pinna are a mixture of single and bifurcated. The base of the leaf stalk is densely covered with slightly shiny blackish brown scales. The sorus is attached to the slightly outer part of the lobes and is atrophied.

Shu Suehiro