
イチイ科イチイ属の常緑低木で、学名は Taxus cuspidata var. nana。英名は Dwarf Japanese yew。
The Dwarf Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata var. nana) belongs to Taxaceae (the Yew family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed from Mt. Chokai in Tohoku district west to the Japan Sea Side of the Chugoku Mountains. It is a variant of "Japanese yew". It grows mainly in the subalpine zone, and the height is 1 to 3 m. It becomes a tree form that crawls the ground sideways. The leaves are linear, somewhat wide and thick, and randomly on the branches. It is a dioecious. It blooms light yellowish brown male flowers and pale greenish brown female flowers from March to April. The fruit ripens red from September to October. It is slightly sweet and can be eaten, but the seeds contain toxic taxin.
[上・中1〜3] アメリカ・ニューヨーク「ブルックリン植物園」にて、2002年10月13日撮影。 [中4・中5] 宮城県栗原市「東栗駒山」にて、2018年10月12日撮影。 [中6〜中9] 福島県須賀川市「大桑原つつじ園」にて、2023年05月04日撮影。 [中10〜11・下] 宮城県仙台市泉区「七北田公園」にて、2024年12月10日撮影。