きゅうりメロン (胡瓜メロン) [Index] [Back]

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

Melothria scabra

ウリ科スズメウリ属の多年草で、学名は Melothria scabra。英名は Cucamelon、Mouse melon。 
The Cucamelon (Melothria scabra) belongs to Cucurbitaceae (the Gourd family). It is a twining perennial, often grown as an annual vegetable crop, that is native to Mexico and Central America. It climbs up by the tendrils, and grows up to 3 meters under proper conditions. The leaves are triangular ovate-cordate and often shallowly three lobed. It is monoecious. The small yellow, about 4 mm in diameter, flowers bloom in late spring and early summer. After flowering, it bears small, oblong, dark and pale green mottled fruit. The fruit tastes like cucumbers with a tinge of sourness. 
[上・中1〜3] 宮城県川崎町支倉にて、2020年07月07日撮影。
[中4] 同上にて、2020年09月26日撮影。
[中5・中6] 同上にて、2020年09月29日撮影。
[中7〜8・下] 同上にて、2020年07月20日撮影。

Shu Suehiro