モクセイ科トネリコ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Fraxinus sieboldiana。英名は Chinese flowering ash。
The Chinese flowering ash (Fraxinus sieboldiana) belongs to Oleaceae (the Olive family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is native all over Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and eastern China. This tree grows in sunny aridish places and can reach 5-10 m in height. The leaves are odd-pinnate compound and opposite. The leaflets are 3 to 5 in number, and are ovate to ovate-oblong in shape. The leaflets are ovate with elongated tips, and scarcely any teeth. The panicles are borne on the terminal branches and numerous white flowers bloom from April to May. In Chinese, it is called "廬山梣" (lu shan qin).