まめきんかん (豆金柑)

Fortunella hindsii

Fortunella hindsii

Fortunella hindsii

Fortunella hindsii

ミカン科キンカン属の常緑低木で、学名は Fortunella hindsii。英名は Hong Kong kumquat。 
The Hong Kong kumquat (Fortunella hindsii) belongs to Rutaceae (the Cirtus family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed from southeastern China to Hong Kong and Taiwan. This tree grows up 1-3 m in height. The branches are slender, with a lot of sharp thorns. The leaves are ovate-elliptic to oblanceolate and arranged in opposite. The small white flowers bloom from June to July. The fruits are globular or oblate, and ripen orange. Because they are small, they don't suit the eating raw and are processed with the marmalade and so on. It is called "Kinzu" in another name. 
[上・中1] 大阪府交野市「大阪市大付属植物園」にて、2006年08月19日撮影。
[中2・下] 同上にて、2006年11月30日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro