
Garcinia mangostana

Garcinia mangostana

Garcinia mangostana

オトギリソウ科フクギ属の常緑高木で、学名は Garcinia mangostana。英名は Mangosteen。 
The Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) belongs to the family Clusiaceae. It is an evergreen tall tree that is probably native to the Malay Peninsula and Sunda. It is cultivated nowadays in Southeast Asia, China and Taiwan. This tree can reach about 10 m in height. The leaves are glossy, leathery, thick, oblong and opposite. It grows slowly and can harvest fruits passing over 8-10 years after seedling. It bears male flowers and bisexual flowers. The latter flowers are pale flesh color and appear on the axiles. The fruits are flattish globose and ripen in magenta. The flesh of fruits are white and fine sweet. They are called queen of fruits. 
[上] 関緑著「太陽の花たち」より。(photo by Midori Seki)
[中] 中国・広東省東莞市にて、2009年07月26日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[下] 京都府宇治市「宇治市植物公園」にて、2006年01月12日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro