ウリ科マラー属の蔓性多年草で、学名は Marah fabeceus。英名は California manroot、Wild cucumber。
The California manroot (Marah fabeceus) belongs to Cucurbitaceae (the Gourd family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in California and Nevada in the United States. It grows on roadsides and other places, spreading on a 4.5-6 m long vine. The leaves are palmately lobed with five to seven lobes, and from March to June they produce a single female flower in the leaf axils and many male flowers in long racemes. The small corolla is white with 5-6 petals. The round fruit is densely covered with spines and contains four large seeds. It is not edible.
アメリカ・カリフォルニア州「ミュアーウッズ国定公園」にて、2004年04月16日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis)