スギ科メタセコイア属の落葉高木で、学名は Metasequoia glyptostroboides。英名は Dawn redwood。
The Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) belongs to Taxodiaceae (the Bald cypress family). It is a tall deciduos tree that is endemic to Shchuan and Hubei in China. It was confirmed to existence in 1941. Today, this tree is planted as a living fossil in many other parts of the world. It was introduced into Japan in 1949. The Japanese name "Akebono-sugi" is a direct translation of its English name. The leaves are arranged in double rows oppositely, and turn yellow in fall. It is monoecious. This tree has changed little in its morphology and ecology since it appeared. In Chinese, it is called "水杉" (shui shan).
Incidentally, since these "Dawn redwood" and "Bald cypress" have been planted here and there, we often see "stink bugs", which were not so common in the city before.