みやまあきののげし (深山秋の野芥子) [Index] [Back]

Lactuca triangulata

Lactuca triangulata

わが国の北海道から本州の関東地方と中部地方、それに朝鮮半島や中国北部・東北部、シベリア東部に分布しています。山地の林下に生え、高さは60〜120センチになります。葉は三角形で、下部の葉は葉柄に翼があり、広く茎を抱きます。8月から9月ごろ、茎頂に狭い円錐花序をだし、濃黄色の頭花を咲かせます。果実は痩果で、白色の冠毛がつきます。中国語では「翼柄翅果菊(yi bing chi guo ju)」と呼ばれます。
キク科アキノノゲシ属の一・二年草で、学名は Lactuca triangulata。英名はありません。
The "Miyama-akino-nogeshi" (Lactuca triangulata) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is an annual or biennial that is native to Hokkaido, Kanto district and Chubu district of Honshu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, northern and northeastern China and eastern Siberia. This herb grows in montane forests and it can reach 60-120 cm in height. The leaves are deltoid and the lower leaves have winged petioles and enfold stems widely. The narrow panicles are borne atop of stem and bloom dark yellow flower-heads from August to September. The fruits are achenes with whitish pappus. In Chinese, it is called "翼柄翅果菊" (yi bing chi guo ju).

Shu Suehiro