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Meliosma tenuis

Meliosma tenuis

Meliosma tenuis

Meliosma tenuis

わが国の本州から四国・九州、それに朝鮮半島や中国に分布しています。山地の落葉樹林内に生え。高さは2〜3メートルになります。樹皮は黒紫色で、楕円形の皮目があります。葉は倒卵形から倒卵形状楕円形で互生し、縁には波状の粗い鋸歯があります。5月から7月ごろ、枝先に円錐花序をだし、淡い黄緑色の小さな花を咲かせます。果実は球形の核果で、秋に黒く熟します。和名は、葉が「こなら(ははそ)」に似ているから。中国語では「全葉細萵苣(quan ye xi wo ju)」と呼ばれます。
アワブキ科アワブキ属の落葉低木で、学名は Meliosma tenuis。英名はありません。
The "Miyama-hahaso" (Meliosma tenuis) belongs to the family Sabiaceae. It is a small deciduous tree that is native to Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and China. This tree grows in mountain deciduous forests and can reach 2-3 m in height. The bark is blackish purple and has elliptic lenticles. The leaves are obovate to oboavate-elliptic, arranged alternately and have wavy coarsely toothed edges. The panicles are borne at the terminal branches, and the small, pale greenish yellow flowers bloom from May to July. The fruits are round drupes and ripen black in fall. The name is because the leaves are similar to "Ko-nara (Hahaso)" (Quercus serrata). In Chinese, it is called "全葉細萵苣" (quan ye xi wo ju).

Shu Suehiro