みねあざみ (峰薊) [Index] [Back]

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

Cirsium alpicola

キク科アザミ属の多年草で、学名は Cirsium alpicola。英名はありません。
The "Mine-azami" (Cirsium alpicola) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from northern Honshu to southwestern Hokkaido. It grows from the coast to alpine meadows and can reach 70-200 cm in height. The leaves are lanceolate to elliptic, ovate, with coarse serrations or pinnate splits. The pale magenta-colored head flowers come up on the tips of the branches from July to October. The head flower is a little smaller than "Tachi-azami" (Cirsium inundatum). The involucre is bell-shaped, and the involucal bracts have 8-9 rows, and the outer involucal bracts are short and needle-shaped and open obliquely. It is also called "Oo-iwa-azami".
[上・中1〜7] 青森市荒川「八甲田山」にて、2019年08月29日撮影。
[中8〜11・下] 青森県弘前市「岩木山」にて、2020年07月25日撮影。

Shu Suehiro