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Wolffia globosa

Wolffia globosa

Wolffia globosa

熱帯および亜熱帯アジアが原産と考えられています。アフリカや南北アメリカの一部にも帰化しています。わが国でも本州の関東地方以西から四国・九州でも分布していて、帰化種なのか在来種なのかはわかってません。池や水路、水田などに生える浮遊性の水草です。葉状体はごく小さな楕円形で、長さは0.3〜0.8ミリほどしかありません。また根はありません。本種はミジンコウキクサ属の中でも小型の種であり、世界最小の種子植物ともされています。葉状体の基部から、新たな葉状体を形成して出芽状に増殖します。花期は夏ですが、開花はまれです。タイやビルマでは、食用として利用されています。台湾華語では「無根萍」、中国語では「無根萍(wu gen ping)」と呼ばれます。 
ウキクサ科ミジンコウキクサ属の多年草で、学名は Wolffia globosa (syn. Wolffia microscopica、Wolffia arrhiza)。英名は Asian watermeal。 
The Asian watermeal (Wolffia globosa) belongs to Lemnaceae (the Duckweed family). It is a perennial herb that is thought to be native to tropical and subtropical Asia. It has also naturalized in parts of Africa and the Americas. In Japan, it is distributed from the Kanto region of Honshu westwards to Shikoku and Kyushu, but it is not known whether it is a naturalized species or a native species. It is a floating aquatic plant that grows in ponds, waterways and rice paddies. The frond is very small, elliptic in shape and only 0.3 to 0.8 mm long. It also has no roots. This species is one of the smallest in the Wolffia genus, and is also considered to be the smallest seed plant in the world. It reproduces by budding, forming new frond from the base of the frond. It flowers in summer, but flowering is rare. In Thailand and Burma, it is used as food. In Taiwanese, it is called "無根萍", and in Chinese, it is called "無根萍" (wu gen ping). 

Shu Suehiro