バラ科ワレモコウ属の多年草で、学名は Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. purpurea。英名はありません。
"Nagabono-aka-waremokou" (Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. purpurea) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a perennial herb that is native to various parts of Japan, the Korean Peninsula and China. This herb grows in waste places and can reach 80-130 cm in height. The leaves are odd-pinnate compound with 11-15 broad lanceolate leaflets. The columnar clusters are borne on the terminal branches and bloom magenta flowers. The flower has not petals, on instead 4 petal-like calyx lobes.
[上・中1〜2] 岐阜県郡上市高鷲町「ひるがの湿原植物園」にて、2007年09月07日撮影。 [中3・下] 群馬県六合村入山「野反湖」にて、2008年07月26日撮影。