
キシメジ科クヌギタケ属のキノコ類で、学名は Mycena galopus。 英名は Milking bonnet、Milk-drop Mycena。
Milking bonnet (Mycena galopus) belongs to the Mycenaceae family. It is an inedible fungus that is native to North America and Europe. This mushroom grows on leaf litter in coniferous and deciduous woodland during summer and autumn. The cap is grayish-brown, bell-shaped, radially-grooved up to 2.5 cm wide. The slender stems are up to 8 cm long, and pale gray at the top. The stem will ooze a whitish latex if it is injured or broken.
アメリカ・カリフォルニア州サウサリートにて、2010年02月26日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis)