
トウダイグサ科トウダイグサ属の多年草で、学名は Euphorbia adenochlora。英名はありません。
"No-urushi" (Euphorbia adenochlora) belongs to Euphorbiaceae (the Spurge family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Japan. This herb grows in the rever areas, often in large clumps and can reach 30-40 cm in height. The leaves are narrow-oblong to lanceolate and opposite. The five oblanceolate leaves are borne verticilately on the stem apices. The cyathia are borne on the axillary branches from April to May. The bracts which under the cyathia color yellow. The ovaries are covered warty projections. The stems exude white sap that may cause irritation to skin.
[上・中1〜4] 埼玉県さいたま市桜区「田島ヶ原」にて、2010年04月11日撮影。 [中5〜6・下] 同上にて、2012年04月01日撮影。