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ƒZƒŠ‰Èƒkƒ}ƒ[ƒŠ‘®‚Ì‘½”N‘‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Sium suave ssp. nipponicumB‰p–¼‚Í‚ ‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
"Numa-zeri" (Sium suave ssp. nipponicum) belongs to Apiaceae (the Carrot family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in various parts of Japan, as well as in the Korean Peninsula and northeastern China. This herb grows in lowland wetlands and ponds and can reach 60 to 100 cm in height. The leaves are trifoliate at the top of the stem and single-pinnate compound leaves at the bottom. The leaflets are narrow-ovate with rough serrations on the edges. It branches at the top of the stem and blooms a lot of small white flowers on the compound umbels at the tip of the branches from July to September. The five petals bend inward. It is also called "Sawa-zeri" by another name.
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