レケナウルティア・ビローバ (初恋草) [Index] [Back]

Lechenaultia biloba

Lechenaultia biloba

Lechenaultia biloba

クサトベラ科レケナウルティア属の常緑小低木で、学名は Lechenaultia biloba。英名は Blue lechenaultia。
The Blue lechenaultia (Lechenaultia biloba) belongs to Goodeniaceae (the Naupaka family). It is an evergreen small shrub that is native to south Western Australia. This shrub grows in woodlands and shrublands and is usually 30 cm or less in height. Branches are twiggy with linear, narrow leaves. Masses of brilliant blue flowers come in the spring. Many interspecies hybrids have been breeded.

Shu Suehiro