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Pittosporum eugenoides

Pittosporum eugenoides

Pittosporum eugenoides

Pittosporum eugenoides

Pittosporum eugenoides

Pittosporum eugenoides

トベラ科トベラ属の常緑高木で、学名は Pittosporum eugenoides。英名は Lemonwood。 
The Lemonwood (Pittosporum eugenoides) belongs to the family Pittosporaceae. It is a tall evergreen tree that is endemic to New Zealand. It grows in lowland forests on the South and North Islands, reaching a height of about 12 m, though it is usually shorter. The trunk is 0.6 to 1 m across and is covered with light gray bark. The leaves are elliptic, light green, leathery and glossy, and have a strong resinous odor when crushed. The veins are pale green with wavy margins. It is dioecious, and from October to December, it produces compound umbels at the ends of its branches with pale yellow to yellow flowers. The fruit is an ovoid to elliptic capsule. 
アメリカ・カリフォルニア州「ゴールデンゲートパーク」にて、2007年03月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro