
ハナシノブ科レプトシフォン属の一年草で、学名は Leptosiphon parviflorus。英名は Hare's-tail grass。
The Hare's-tail grass (Leptosiphon parviflorus) belongs to Polemoniaceae (the Phlox family). It is an annual herb that is native to California in the United States and northern Mexico. This herb grows in grasslands or coastal scrubs and can reach 15-30 cm in height. It is much branched at the base. The leaves are devided into 5-9 linear fine lobes. The umbels are borne on the stem apices and bloom yellow to orange or white flowers. They are open when getting the sun.
[上・中1〜2] 茨城県神栖市太田新町にて、2009年05月03日撮影。 [中3・下] 同上にて、2009年05月10日撮影。