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Ocimum basilicum cv. Lettuce Leaf

Ocimum basilicum cv. Lettuce Leaf

Ocimum basilicum cv. Lettuce Leaf

シソ科メボウキ属の一年草で、学名は Ocimum basilicum cv. Lettuce Leaf。英名は Lettuce leaf basil。
The Lettuce leaf basil (Ocimum basilicum cv. Lettuce Leaf) belongs to Lamiaceae (the Mint family). It is an annual herb that is a cultivar of "sweet basil", a large-leaved variety. The leaves are large, wrinkled and tender, with a very similar flavour to "sweet basil", but not as strong as other sweet basil. It is therefore particularly suitable for mixing into salads and for wrapping ingredients such as grilled fish, roast chicken, roast beef and baked rice.

Shu Suehiro