
アヤメ科リベルティア属の多年草で、学名は Libertia paniculata。英名は Branching grass-flag。
The Branching grass-flag (Libertia paniculata) belongs to Iridaceae (the Iris family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in eastern Australia, from Queensland to New South Wales and Victoria. This herb grows in the valleys of rainforests and moist sclerophyll forests and can reach 20-60 cm in height. The leaves are linear and 4-12 mm wide. From September to November, the flower stalks shorter than the leaves are extended to produce many inflorescences, and 3 to 6 white flowers bloom at a time. The outer tepals are obovate, and the inner tepals are ovate. The fruits are spherical capsules and are divided into 3 chambers.
オーストラリア・ニューサウスウェールズ州「カンバーランド州有林」にて、2006年09月03日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)