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Lonicera implexa

Lonicera implexa

スイカズラ科スイカズラ属の落葉蔓性木本で、学名は Lonicera implexa。英名は Mediterranean honeysuckle。
The Mediterranean honeysuckle (Lonicera implexa) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a deciduous woody vine that is native to southern Europe; especially on the Mediterranean coast and in southern and central Spain. This vine usually grows appears in open forests, and untangles adjascent trees. The leaves are elliptic and opposite. The flowers are bilabiate, turn from pink to yellow-white once opened. The Mediterranean honeysuckle is characterized by having two welded bracts at the base of the inflorescences. The inflorescences are sessile; and appear immediately on the bracts, in globose groups. The fruit is reddish berries, which appear in pairs, and are not edible.
クロアチア・ドゥブロニク「ロクルム島」にて、2012年05月03日撮影。(photo by Aya Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro