ラナンキュラス・ペルタツス (姫梅花藻) [Index] [Back]

Ranunculus peltatus

Ranunculus peltatus

Ranunculus peltatus

Ranunculus peltatus

Ranunculus peltatus

キンポウゲ科キンポウゲ属の一年草あるいは多年草で、学名は Ranunculus peltatus。英名は Pond water-crowfoot。
The Pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus peltatus) belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is an annual or perennial herb that is native to Europe, southwestern Asia and northern Africa. This herb grows in slow streams, ponds, or lake. It has two different leaf types, broad rounded floating leaves 3-5 cm in diameter with 3-7 shallow lobes, and finely divided thread-like submerged leaves. The flowers are white with a yellow centre, 15-20 mm in diameter, with five petals, and bllom from April to September. After flowering, it produces achenes about 1-2 mm in diameter.
ポルトガル・ノルテ地方「アルヴァン自然公園」にて、2019年03月26日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro