The Skunkbush sumac (Rhus trilobata) belongs to Anacardiaceae (the Sumac family). It is a deciduous shrub that is native to the western half of Canada and the United States, and northern Mexico. This shrub grows in deserts, uplands or mountains, and it can reach about 2.5 m in height. It is well-branched and can form dense thickets. The leaves are dark-green trilobate and turn orange or reddish in the fall. If its leaves are crushed or bruised, they reek skunky smell, but the leaves are not dangerous to touch. The tiny yellow flowers bloom in densely clusters at the branch tips before foliation in spring. The fruits are slightly sticky red berries which have an aroma similar to limes, and are edible. Native Americans used the fruits for food, beverage, and medicine and the pliable young stems for making baskets.