
キツネノマゴ科ルイラソウ属の多年草で、学名は Ruellia pedunculata。英名は Stalked wild petunia。
The Stalked wild petunia (Ruellia pedunculata) belongs to Acanthaceae (the Acanthus family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from the southeastern part to the mid-southern part of the United States. This herb grows in dry rocky gravel forests, canyons, and flatlands, and is about 50 cm in height. The stem is upright and somewhat ridged. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate and opposite, almost decussate. They are almost entire with a petiole of about 1 cm. The peduncles with bracts are borne at the axils and bloom purple to white funnel-shaped flowers from May to September. The tip of the corolla splits into 5 clefts.
アメリカ・テキサス州「シーダーリッジ自然保護区」にて、2013年05月18日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)