りゅうきゅうつつじ (琉球躑躅) [Index] [Back]

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

Rhododendron x mucronatum

ツツジ科ツツジ属の半落葉低木で、学名は Rhododendron x mucronatum。英名はありません。 
"Ryukyu-tsutsuji" (Rhododendron x mucronatum) belongs to Eriaceae (the Azalea family). It is a small semi-deciduous tree that is thought to be a hybrid between the "Kishi-tsutsuji" (Rhododendron ripense) and the "Mochi-tsutsuji" (Rhododendron macrosepalum), or a mutation of the "Kishi-tsutsuji". It is a representative species of azalea with large white flowers and has been cultivated since the Edo period (1603-1868) and widely used as a garden tree because of its good flowering habit. The branches are branched into a bushy shape and grow 1-2 m tall. From late April to May, it produces 2 to 3 funnel-shaped white flowers, 5 to 6 cm in diameter, at the tips of its branches. The tips of the petals are split into five lobes, and the ten stamens and the dense brown hairs on the stalk are conspicuous. It is also known as "Shiro-ryukyu". 

Shu Suehiro