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Acoelorrhaphe wrightii

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii

ヤシ科ライトヤシ属の常緑小高木で、学名は Acoelorrhaphe wrightii。英名は Everglades palm、Saw cabbage palm。 
The Everglades palm (Acoelorrhaphe wrightii) belongs to Arecaceae (the Palm family). It is a semi-tall tree that is native to Central America, south-eastern Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and extreme southern Florida in the United States. This tree grows in swamps and periodically flooded forests, and up to 5-7 m tall. The trunks are slender, less than 15 cm across, and covered with old leaf bases and loose brown fibrous matting. The crown is 3-4 m wide with 20-25 fronds atop thin stems. The leaves are palmately compound, with segments deeply divided, 60-90 cm wide, light-green above, and silver underneath. The inconspicuous, whitish to greenish flowers bloom in the long branched clusters in late spring. The fruits are pea-sized, starting orange and turning to black at maturity quite showy in the fall. 
[上・中1〜2] アメリカ・フロリダ州「エジソン&フォード・ウィンター・エステート」にて、2011年09月28日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[中3] アメリカ・フロリダ州「フロリダ植物園」にて、2011年05月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[下] アメリカ・カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ市「バルボア公園」にて、2007年03月23日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro