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Apium graveolens var. rapaceum

Apium graveolens var. rapaceum

Apium graveolens var. rapaceum

セリ科オランダミツバ属の二年草で、学名は Apium graveolens var. rapaceum。英名は Celeriac、Celery root。 
The Celeriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) belongs to Apiaceae (the Carrot family). It is a biennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. It is also cultivated in the Mediterranean region, northern Europe, North Africa, Siberia, Southwest Asia, and North America. This herb is a root vegetable with a bulbous hypocotyl. It was introduced into Japan in the early Meiji Era (about 140 years ago). 

Shu Suehiro