シンビジウム・プミルム (金陵辺)

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

Cymbidium pumilum

ラン科シュンラン属の常緑多年草で、学名は Cymbidium pumilum。英名は Yellow margin orchid。 
The Yellow margin orchid (Cymbidium pumilum) belongs to Orcidaceae (the Orchid family). It is an evergreen herb that is distributed from southern China to Taiwan. This herb grows in highlands at an altitude of 1000-2800 m and can reach 30-40 cm in height. The corm is ovate with 3-5 linear leaves. The dark reddish brown flowers come in full bloom in spring. It seems that this flower has a substance that attracts Japanese bees. It came to Japan during the Edo period and has been cultivated under the name "Kinryohen". 
[上・中1〜3] 大阪府四條畷市清滝中町にて、2001年05月15日撮影。
[中4〜8・下] 同上にて、2006年05月11日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro