
フウロソウ科フウロソウ属の半常緑多年草で、学名は Geranium x cantabrigiense cv. Biokovo。英名は Cranesbill 'Biokova'、Hardy geranium。
The Cranesbill 'Biokovo' belongs to Geraniaceae (the Geranium family). It is a semi-evergreen perennial herb that is a natural hybrid between Geranium macrorrhizum, found in southern Europe, and Geranium dalmaticum, found in eastern Europe and the Balkans. It was discovered in the Biokova Mountains of former Yugoslavia by German botanist Dr. Hans Simon (1926-2016). It grows in sunny meadows and is 15-20 cm tall. The leaves are fan-shaped and deeply lobed. It produces many pale pink flowers from late spring to early summer. The stamens are dark pink. It is a popular garden variety because it is very hardy and tolerant of heat.