
Geranium lucidum

フウロソウ科フウロソウ属の一年草で、学名は Geranium lucidum。英名は Shining crane's bill、Shining geranium。 
The Shining crane's bill (Geranium lucidum) belongs to Geraniaceae (the Geranium family). It is an annual herb that is widely distributed from Europe to North Africa and Himalayan. This herb grows in a slightly shaded wasteland and is about 50 cm high. The leaves are round and split 5-7 deep. As summer approaches, the leaves and stems turn red and have a waxy luster. The rose pink flowers come in May to August. The calyx is ovate and has 5 ridges, and the ridges are reddish brown. The English name is that the calyx after the flower is likened to a "crane". 
アイルランド・マンスター地方「バレン(Burren)高原」にて、2005年06月30日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis) 

Shu Suehiro