
フウロソウ科フウロソウ属の一年草から越年草で、学名は Geranium purpureum。英名は Little robin。
The Little robin (Geranium purpureum) belongs to Geraniaceae (the Geranium family). It is an annual or biennial herb that is distributed from central and southern Europe to western Asia, as well as northern and central Africa. It grows in dry meadows, along banks and roadsides in temperate regions, and is 20-30 cm tall. The leaves are pale green and have three to five divided lobes, and the leaflets are further lobed. The stems and leaves are covered with hairs. 5-petaled pink flowers bloom at the top of the stems from May to September. The stamens have yellow anthers. The fruit is a capsule with a long, beak-like central column. It is called "Yasaka-fuuro" in Japanese.
[上・中1] ポルトガル・セントロ地方レイリア市にて、2024年04月27日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji) [中2] 同上にて、2024年05月17日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji) [下] 同上にて、2024年05月22日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)