ジバエウム・ペトレンセ (春琴玉) [Index] [Back]

Gibbaeum petrense

Gibbaeum petrense

ツルナ科ジバエウム属の常緑多年草で、学名は Gibbaeum petrense。英名はありません。 
The Gibbaeum petrense belongs to Aizoaceae (the Ice plant family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is found in the southern part of South Africa, in the Little Karoo region. It grows in semi-desert areas on clay slopes overlain by white quartz patches, spreading in mats and reaching a height of about 5 cm. The leaves are gray-green, fleshy, and smooth triangular. In spring, it produces pink to reddish-purple "daisy"-like flowers about 2 cm in diameter. Its Red List status is "vulnerable". Horticulturally, it is called "Shunkin-gyoku" in Japan. 
オーストラリア・シドニー市「ガルストンオープンガーデン」にて、2006年08月12日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)

Shu Suehiro