
バラ科キイチゴ属の落葉小低木で、学名は Rubus pungens var. oldhamii。英名ありません 。
"Sanagi-ichigo" (Rubus pungens var. oldhamii) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a deciduosu shrub that is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan and the Korean Peninsula. This shrub grows rarely in the mountains, and its branches grow laterally like vines. The leaves are odd pinnate compound and alternate, and with 2 to 3 pairs of leaflets. The leaves are thin and have indented duplicato-serratus edges. The white or pink flowers come in May to June. The fruits are spherical and ripen red from July to August. The name is named after Mt. Sanage in Aichi Prefecture in Japan.