
バラ科ナナカマド属の落葉高木で、学名は Sorbus commixta var. rufo-ferruginea。英名はありません。
"Sabiba-nana-kamado" (Sorbus commixta var. rufo-ferruginea) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a tall decidous tree that is distributed to Kanto district and Chubu district of Honshu in Japan. It is a variety of "Nana-kamado". This tree grows in mountains and subalpines and can reach 6-10 m in height. The young barks are pale brown with elliptic lenticles, and turn dark gray and shallow-furrowed when mature. The leaves are odd-pinnately compound with 4-7 pairs of leaflets. They are lanceolate to oblong with acute tips. The abaxial side of leaves are covered with rusy red-brown soft hairs. The compound corymbs are borne on the terminal branches and produce white flowers from may to July. The fruits are pomes and ripen red in fall.