The Celtuce (Lactuca sativa var. angustana) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is an annual or a biennial herb that is probably native to China. This herb can reach 60-100 cm in height. It was introduced into Japan in the ancient days. The stem is thick and the leaves are lanceolate, alternate. The leaves are slightly sweet flavour and used for mixed salads, beef broils. The stem is also used for raw or cooked. They are turning bitter when aging. The stem, which is split into thin strips and dried, is called "yama-kurage" (mountain jellyfish), and is used in stir-fries, salads, stews, pickles, etc.
The Korean name for this is "sangchu". In Japanese, it is called "kaki-chisha", "kuki-chisha" or "stem lettuce". Incidentally, the word "chisha" (苣) comes from the word "chichi-kusa" (乳草).