The "Sane-kazura" (Kadsura japonica) belongs to the family Schisandraceae. It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed from Kanto district of Honshu west to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan and southern China. This vine grows in forest edges of mountains and fields, and entwines itself around adjascent vegetations. The leaves are ovate, opposite with wavy edges. It is dioecious. The cream flowers bloom descending at axils from July to August. The spherical fruits ripen red in fall. The fruits were used for medicinal purposes such as stopping coughing, and hair conditioning was taken from the viscous liquid of young branches. In Taiwanese, it is called "南五味子", and in Chinese, it is called "日本南五味子" (ri ben nan wu wei zi).