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Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea cv. Alba

“ìƒAƒƒŠƒJ‚̃uƒ‰ƒWƒ‹‚ªŒ´ŽY‚Å‚·B‚‚³‚Í‚P`‚PD‚Tƒ[ƒgƒ‹‚Ù‚Ç‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B—t‚Í—‘󒷑ȉ~Œ`‚ÅA‚킸‚©‚É“î–Ñ‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·B‚TŒŽ‚©‚ç‚XŒŽ‚²‚ëAŒs‚Ìæ‚É’Z‚¢‰~‰Ô˜‚ð‚¾‚µAƒ[ƒYƒsƒ“ƒN‚©‚çƒsƒ“ƒNF‚̉Ԃðç‚©‚¹‚Ü‚·BŽÊ^‰º‚ÍA‰€Œ|•iŽí‚ÌuƒAƒ‹ƒoicv. AlbajvB
ƒLƒcƒlƒmƒ}ƒS‰ÈƒLƒcƒlƒmƒ}ƒS‘®‚Ìí—ά’á–Ø‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Justicia carneaB‰p–¼‚Í Plume plantAFlamingo plantB
The Plume plant (Justicia carnea) belongs to Acanthaceae (the Acanthus family). It is an evergreen shrub that is native to Brazil. This shrub can reach about 1.5 m in height. Leaves are ovate-oblong with soft hairs. Rose pink to pink flowers come on the terminal panicles from May to September. The photo below shows the horticultural variety 'Alba'.
[ã] ƒAƒƒŠƒJEƒeƒLƒTƒXBuƒtƒH[ƒgƒ[ƒXA•¨‰€v‚É‚ÄA2007”N05ŒŽ13“úŽB‰eB(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[’†‚P] “¯ã‚É‚ÄA2006”N04ŒŽ29“úŽB‰eB(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[’†‚QE‰º] ƒI[ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒŠƒAEƒVƒhƒj[ŽsuƒVƒhƒj[‰¤—§A•¨‰€v‚É‚ÄA2007”N03ŒŽ04“úŽB‰eB(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[’†‚R] ˆï錧…ŒËŽsu…ŒËŽsA•¨Œö‰€v‚É‚ÄA2008”N11ŒŽ09“úŽB‰eB

Shu Suehiro