ささくさ (笹草)

Lophatherum gracile

Lophatherum gracile

Lophatherum gracile

Lophatherum gracile

わが国の本州、関東地方以西から四国、九州それに台湾や朝鮮半島、中国に分布しています。山地の林内や林縁に生え、高さは30〜60センチになります。葉は「ささ(笹)」に似た広披針形で、長さは20センチほどです。また葉は薄くて、縁には細かい鋸歯があります。8月から10月ごろ、茎の先にまばらな花穂をつけます。漢方では「淡竹葉(たんちくよう)」と呼んで、解熱や利尿に用いるそうです。台湾華語では「淡竹葉」、中国語では「淡竹葉(dan zhu ye)」と呼ばれます。
イネ科ササクサ属の多年草で、学名は Lophatherum gracile。英名はありません。 
The "Sasa-kusa" (Lophatherum gracile) belongs to Poaceae (the Grass family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from the Kanto region of Honshu west to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. This herb grows in mountain forests and on the edges of forests, and can reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. The leaves are broad lanceolate, similar to "sasa", and are about 20 cm long. The leaves are thin and have fine serrations on the edges. From August to October, sparse spikes are borne to the tips of the stems. In Chinese medicine, it is called "Tanchiku-yo" and is used for fever reduction and diuresis. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "淡竹葉" and "淡竹葉" (dan zhu ye).

Shu Suehiro