
オトギリソウ科オトギリソウ属の多年草で、学名は Hypericum pseudopetiolatum。英名はありません。
The "Sawa-otogiri" (Hypericum pseudopetiolatum) belongs to the family Clusiaceae. It is a perennial herb that is native all over Japan. This herb grows along mountain streams or marshes and can reach 10-15 cm in height. The stem is much-branched. The leaves are obovate to oblong and arranged in opposite. They have bright dots on the whole surface and black dots on the edges. The yellow five-petaled flowers bloom in the terminal dichasial cymes from July to August. The petals and sepals also have bright dots and bright lines.
[上・中1〜2] 群馬県沼田市上発知町「玉原湿原」にて、2009年07月26日撮影。 [中3・中4] 長野県小谷村北小谷「湯峠」にて、2005年08月30日撮影。 [中5・下] 岐阜県白川村飯島「三方岩岳」にて、2004年08月08日撮影。