
ラン科サワラン属の多年草で、学名は Eleorchis japonica。英名はありません。
"Sawa-ran" (Eleorchis japonica) belongs to Orchdaceae (the Orchid family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed northward from Chubu district of Honshu to Hokkaido in Japan and the southern Kuril Islands. This herb grows in montane moors and can reach 20-30 cm in height. The pseudo-bulbs are ovate and send out 1-2 linear-lanceolate leaves. The flowering stalks are borne and bloom magenta flowers from July to August.
[上・中1] 福島県北塩原村「雄国沼」にて、2009年06月28日撮影。 [中2〜3・下] 山形県上山市「蔵王御田ノ神園地」にて、2018年07月23日撮影。