
サトイモ科スキゾカシア属の常緑多年草で、学名は Schizocasia lauterbachiana(syn. Alocasia lauterbachiana)。英名は Wavy-edged lily、Schizocasia lily。
The Wavy-edged lily (Schizocasia lauterbachiana) belongs to Araceae (the Arum family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in Celebes Island and Papua New Guinea in Indonesia. It may also be classified in the genus Alocasia. The stems stand upright and become woody. The leaves are oblong with wavy serrations on the edges and are about 50 cm long. The front side is dark green and the back side is purple. The petioles have black-green spots, are about 50 cm long and have wings. The flowers bloom in the spadix of about 15 cm.