
ブドウ科キッスス属の常緑蔓性多年草で、学名は Cissus discolor。英名は Rex begonia vine。
The Rex begonia vine (Cissus discolor) belongs to Vitaceae (the Grape family). It is an evergreen vine that is distributed is native to Java, Indonesia. It is a vine and grows entwined with trees. It has been cultivated as a foliage plant in Japan since the Meiji era. The leaves are long heart-shaped with silvery white spots on a dark green background. The back side is dark reddish purple. The surface of the leaves is velvety, similar to "Rex begonia".
[上・中1] 京都府宇治市「宇治市植物公園」にて、2004年05月29日撮影。 [中2・下] 同上にて、2004年11月05日撮影。