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Viburnum opulus

Viburnum opulus

Viburnum opulus

ああ、草原の赤きガマズミよ (Oh, The Red Viburnum In The Meadow)」 (sing by Ukrainian refugees)
Oh, in the meadow a red kalyna has bent down low,
For some reason, our glorious Ukraine is in sorrow.
And we'll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
And we'll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
Do not bend low, oh red kalyna, you have a white flower,
Do not worry, glorious Ukraine, you have a free people.
And we'll take that red kalyna and will raise it up,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
And we'll take that red kalyna and will raise it up,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
Marching forward, our fellow volunteers, into a bloody fray,
For to free our brother Ukrainians from the Moscovite shackles.
And we, our brother Ukrainians, we will then liberate,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
And we, our brothers Ukrainians, will then liberate,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
Oh in the field of early spring wheat, there's a golden furrow,
Then began the Ukrainian riflemen to engage the enemy.
And we'll take that precious, early wheat and will gather it,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
And we'll take that precious, early wheat and will gather it,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
When the stormy winds blow forth from the wide steppes,
They will glorify, throughout Ukraine, the Sich Riflemen.
And so we will preserve the glories of these riflemen,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
And so we will preserve the glories of these riflemen,
And, hey-hey, we shall cheer up our glorious Ukraine !
スイカズラ科ガマズミ属の落葉低木で、学名は Viburnum opulus。英名は Guelder rose、Cranberry bush。
The Guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a small deciduous tree that is widely distributed from Europe to West Asia and North Africa. It is also cultivated as a garden tree and grows 2 to 5 m tall. It produces corymbs at the ends of its branches from May to June, with bisexual flowers in the center and white ornamental flowers on the periphery. The flowers are bisexual in the center and surrounded by white decorative flowers. The decorative flowers usually have five deeply lobes and open flat. The fruit is a kernel, which ripens to a reddish color in fall. The fruit has a strong bitter taste and is not suitable for eating raw. In Russia, it is processed into dried fruit, fruit wine, jam, juice, candied fruit, etc. In Ukraine, It is also considered a national symbol and the national flower.
[上・中] イギリス・ランカシャー州プレストンにて、2023年05月25日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[下] 同上にて、2023年05月31日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)

Shu Suehiro